Please note: You must be able to clear the walk-through metal detector in order to enter the facility. If you have a medical issue that will cause the metal detector to activate, you must have official documentation from your doctor before you will be permitted into the facility.
Visiting Rules
Non-Contact Visits
Contact Visits
Inmate Telephone System
4.2.01 Visiting Rules
Policy: |
It is the policy of the Strafford County Department of Corrections to enforce visiting rules in order to provide safe and secure visiting. |
Definitions: |
None |
Reference: |
ACA 3-ALDF-5D-15, Visitor Registration NHCCFS 8.16, Visitation |
Forms: |
None |
Cell Phones are prohibited: Cell phones may not be brought into the facility
- Visits are held at the Strafford County Department of Corrections seven (7) days a week to permit inmates to maintain ties with family and friends.
- Professionals may visit at any reasonable time.
- Inmates are required to schedule their own visiting times from the available visiting times assigned to the unit.
- Inmates are responsible for notifying family and friends of their scheduled visiting times.
- Due to space limitations, visits are restricted to two adults and two children small enough to sit on the laps of the adults.
a. Any child too big to sit on the lap of the adult will be considered an adult.
- Each inmate is allowed two one-hour visits per week with no more then one one-hour visit per day.
- Visitors under eighteen years of age will be permitted to visit with inmates if supervised by their parent or legal guardian.
- Visitors will be required to show proof of their identity and/or submit to a record check.
- Former inmates cannot visit current inmates unless they are immediate family and only after receiving written permission from the Superintendent or designee.
a. Any person with pending criminal charges or under the supervision of Community Corrections and/or Probation and Parole will be denied visiting privileges.
- Visitors entering the Reception Area entrance are required to sign-in with the officer in the Reception Area.
- Visitors entering the Bail/Release entrance are required to sign-in with a Booking Officer.
- Visitors who appear to be intoxicated or "acting out" will not be permitted to visit.
- Any inmate may refuse a visit at any time.
- Inmates in disciplinary status may be denied visits from family and friends but will be allowed to visit with professionals.
- Inmates sequestered for medical observation must receive clearance from the Medical Department for visits.
- Visitors’ clothing must be appropriate for visits.
a. Dresses, skirts, and shorts will be allowed but may not be more than 4 inches above the knee. b. No halter-tops, sleeveless attire, tank tops, or hats may be worn into visiting areas.
- Non-contact visitors are only permitted to bring handkerchiefs, a baby bottle, a pacifier, wedding band and a medic alert bracelet/pendant into the visiting area.
- Contact visitors are only permitted to bring handkerchiefs, wedding band and a medic alert bracelet/pendant into the visiting area.
- All visitors must successfully pass the walk-through metal detector before being allowed in the facility.
- Visitors may be subject to searches by correctional personnel.
- Any visitor who brings or attempts, to bring, any item of contraband into the facility will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Smoking in the facility is prohibited.
a. All tobacco products and lighting materials are considered contraband. b. Tobacco products should be left in the visitor’s vehicle; if not possible, they must be secured in a visitor’s locker.
- Passing or attempting to pass anything during a visit is prohibited.
- Inmates and visitors will conduct themselves appropriately at all times.
a. It is important to respect the rights of fellow inmates and visitors to visit without incident. b. When an inmate or visitor does not conduct him/herself properly, the Unit Officer will terminate the visit.
- Visitors may deposit cash into the cash kiosk in the bail and relese lobby.
a. Bank checks and money orders may also be mailed to the facility. b. Bank checks and money orders must be made out to the Strafford County Commissary.
- Visitors will leave the visiting area and return to the reception desk at the conclusion of the visit.
- Visitors will receive their ID’s back, and exit the facility.
- All inmates are subject to be searched before and after any visit.
- No cameras or recording devices are allowed in the facility without prior approval from the Superintendent.
- Inmates and visitors must comply with all rules governing visits.
4.2.03 Non-Contact Visits with Family & Friends
Policy: |
It is the policy of the Strafford County Department of Corrections to provide regular, scheduled visits for inmates in order for them to maintain contact with family and friends. |
Definitions: |
Non-Contact Visit - A visit in which physical contact is not permitted between inmates and their visitors. |
Reference: |
ACA 3-ALDF-2E-03, Visiting ACA 3-ALDF-3D-17, Visiting ACA 3-ALDF-5D-10-11, 15, Visiting, Visitor Registration NHCCFS 9.11, Special Management Inmate Services NHCCFS 11.02, 11.06, Physical Facilities NHCCFS 12.09, New Facilities Standards, NHCCFS 18.12, Visitation |
Forms: |
Visit Sign-up Form |
Procedure A: Scheduling a Visit
- There will be a visit schedule posted in each unit for Unit Officers and inmates to reference.
- Unit Officers will post a Visit Sign-up Form so inmates may sign-up for visiting times; officer discretion will be used.
a. A copy of the Visit Sign-up Form will be forwarded to the officer in the Reception Area on the day the visits are to occur.
- It will be the inmate’s responsibility to inform his/her visitors of the scheduled visiting time.
Procedure B: Visitor Check-In
- Visitors will arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled visit to allow time for checking in.
- Visitors will enter the facility, secure their personal belongings in the lockers provided, and approach the reception desk.
- Visitors will give the officer in the Reception Area their names and the name of the inmate they wish to visit.
- The officer in the Reception Area will obtain one of the following forms of ID:
a. State issued Driver’s License/ Non-Driver’s Identification Card. b. Welfare Identification Card. c. Government Identification Card. d. Birth Certificate (for those 17 years old or younger). e. Passport.
- The officer in the Reception Area will:
- Access the inmate’s name on the OMS to see if the visitors are listed.
a. If the visitors are on the inmate’s Visitor List, the officer in the Reception Area will check and update the visitors’ information. b. If the visitors are not on the inmate’s Visitor List, the officer will check to make sure they are not ex-inmates and then enter the visitors’ information into the OMS. i. If they are ex-inmates, the officer in the Reception Area will request to see the written approval for the visit issued by the Superintendent. ii. If they do not have written approval, the officer in the Reception Area will explain to the visitors that they need to request permission from the Superintendent to visit.
- Explain to the visitors how to get to the visiting area and how to use the phones.
- Have the visitors walk through the metal detector (see 3.7.01, Searches).
- After the visitors have been checked-in, the officer in the Reception Area will contact the appropriate Unit Officer.
a. The officer in the Reception Area will send the visitors to the visiting area; the Unit Officer will send the inmate to the non-contact visiting area. i. The Unit Officer will log the inmate to the visit in the Officer’s Log.
- The officer in the Reception Area will run NCIC checks on all visitors who are at least 18 years old.
a. If the visitor has outstanding warrants, the officer in the Reception Area will inform the Shift Supervisor and the Strafford County Dispatcher of the situation and will make arrangements to have the person arrested.
- The Unit Officer will inform the inmate when the visit is over and will log the inmate as returning in the Officer’s Log.
- The visitors will exit the visiting area the same way they entered.
- The officer in the Reception Area will sign the visitors out in the Visitor’s Log in the OMS and return the visitor’s identification card.
4.2.04 Contact Visits with Family & Friends
Policy: |
It is the policy of the Strafford County Department of Corrections to allow work release and inmate workers the extra privilege of contact visiting with their family and friends. |
Definitions: |
Contact Visit - Visit in which physical contact is permitted between inmates and their visitors. |
Reference: |
ACA 3-ALDF-2E-03, Visiting ACA 3-ALDF-3D-17, Visiting ACA 3-ALDF-5D-10-11, 15, Visiting, Visitor Registration NHCCFS 9.11, Special Management Inmate Services NHCCFS 11.02, .06, Physical Facilities NHCCFS 12.09, New Facilities Standards NHCCFS 18.12, Visitation |
Forms: |
Inmate Request Form Visit Sign-up Form |
Procedure A: Scheduling a Visit
- Contact visits will be permitted on Saturdays and Sundays only.
- Visiting schedules will be posted for the Unit Officers and inmates to reference.
- Inmate Workers must be approved for a contact visit by the classifications department.
- The Unit Officer will post a Visit Sign-up Form in each unit so inmates may sign-up for visiting times.
a. It will be the inmate’s responsibility to inform his/her visitors of their scheduled visiting time.
- Visitors will check-in at the reception desk as non-contact visitors do.
Originals on file in Superintendent’s Officee
Video Visitation is a privilege.
It is expected that the video visits are treated just like a face to face visit at the facility. You are to follow the same rules as a regular visit. It is the responsibility of the incarcerated individual to articulate the expectations during a visit (video or in person). There will be no:
• Nudity / Sexual Content-Sexually Explicit content in person / showed on cell phone or another electronic device
• Multi / Group visits on the inmate side of the video visit
• Any recordings of Visit / Pictures taken during visit for use of Social Media or not
• Any use of Social Media used/shown to an inmate by the visitor
• Any Use or Depiction of Drug use, Illegal Activity, Manufacture of Weapons, Drug Paraphernalia
• Any gang-related material / Content
• Any plans for criminal activity
• Plans for the Introduction of Contraband
• Plans for activities in violation of facility rules
• 3 Way Calling / Video Visiting
• The Use of Another Inmates Pin / Log-on
• Any content which would disrupt the operation and/or safety of the public, staff, Inmates
• Any plans of extortion or threats of extortion.
• Appropriate clothing / dress according to facility visit policy / Visitor and Inmate must keep shoulders and face in visit at all times
• Any Other Unacceptable / Inappropriate Behavior
Violation of these rules will result in the loss of video visits:
The First Offence will be 1 week / Second Offense will be 2 weeks / the Third / Final Offense will be permanent loss of video visit privileges. Visits at the window will still be allowed.
Inmate Telephone System
The Strafford County Department of Corrections uses Connect Network for the inmate phone system. In order for an inmate to make telephone calls (or you to receive calls) an account must be established. There are a few options available:
Option 1: You send money into the inmate’s commissary account. If you choose this option, you must send the money by money order, made payable to “Strafford County Commissary” and mailed to 266 County Farm Road, Dover, NH 03820.
Option 2: Set up an account through https://web.connectnetwork.com.
Option 3: Deposit money directly into an inmate's account using the cash kiosk in the bail and release lobby
If you have any questions regarding either of these options, please call Sandy Miller, Records Supervisor at 603-742-3310.
ATM Machine
We now have an ATM Machine available at the Booking/Release lobby for your convenience.