Strafford County

Request for Bid/Proposal

Strafford County Commissioners are accepting sealed proposals for the following item(s):

Steel Removal – Strafford County Court House Roof

Strafford County is seeking qualified contractors to perform steel removal from the roof
of The William A. Grimes Justice and Administration building at 259 County Farm Road,
Dover NH 03820. This project involves safe removal and proper disposal of steel
materials while ensuring compliance with all applicable safety and environmental
regulations. We aim to partner with an experienced contractor to complete this project
efficiently and professionally.

Mandatory Site Review March 12th, 9AM

William A. Grimes Justice and Administration Building Lobby

259 County Farm Rd. Dover, NH

**All Bidders are required to attend this site review**


Bid Documents with signature page 2025.pdf

Steel Removal Courthouse SCHEDULE A.pdf

Steel Removal Courthouse SCHEDULE B.pdf

Steel Removal Courthouse SCHEDULE C.pdf


Specifications for the above are available by contacting Gwen Weisgarber @ 603-516-5132 or by visiting the Current Bids section of the county website. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Steel Removal” and must be received by March 27th @9AM at the Strafford County Commissioners Office, 259 County Farm Road - Suite 204, Dover, NH 03820. 

The Strafford County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids/ proposals, to award the bid to other than the low bidder if deemed “bid most advantageous to the County” and to waive any defects in bids.