Strafford County Commissioner’s Meetings are usually held on Thursdays at 9:00am each week (subject to occasional change with appropriate postings )

Events Calendar

Riverside Rest Home will be sponsoring a 5 week LNA course in September
Friday, September 01, 2023, 04:00pm
Hits : 1814
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Riverside Rest Home will be sponsoring a 5 week LNA course

For candidates who would like to become employed here at Riverside as an LNA. 

It is a blended course (Part online and clinicals done here at Riverside in the late afternoon – early evenings) We  have had 100% pass success rate, and it is a great opportunity for someone to become part of the county family.

If you would like to get started in healthcare, and work here at Riverside.  Daily interviews during business hours.
Must be 18 years old, be able to lift 50 pounds and pass a pre-employment physical and drug screen.



Cherilynn Marshall RN, BSN

Clinical Development & Recruitment

276 County Farm Rd

Dover, NH 03820


Location Riverside Rest Home